Braces For Teens

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]One of the most common services that we offer at Beacon Dental Group is braces for teens. In our Boston dentist practice, you will find that we are able to offer everything you need for your teen who might need braces. Because we know how much of an emotional journey it can be for your teenager to have to get braces, we are always keen on our ability to remain compassionate and friendly at all times. With our help, your teen will be able to see that having braces isn’t so bad – and of course, the long-term benefits of having them fitted are very much worth it.


When Does Your Teen Need Braces?

If you think your teen might need braces, but you are not quite sure, then the first thing to do is to simply book an appointment with us so that we can take a look. We will soon be able to determine whether braces are necessary, and if so what kind of braces and how long they will have to be worn for. As you know, braces are used to straighten out teeth which are otherwise growing at strange angles or wonky, and it is both an aesthetic and a dental issue that needs fixing as soon as possible.

What Kinds Of Braces Are There?

These days, there are more kinds of braces than ever, and you will be amazed at the amount of choices you and your teen have when it comes to finding the right braces for them. There are generally four major types of braces for teens that you come across, which are as follows.

Metal Braces

These traditional braces are the ones that you probably think of when you hear the word braces, and they still work very effectively indeed for most people. This is the most affordable option, consisting of metal brackets held together by a wire. Some teens feel that they are a little on display, but they are also perfectly normal and most people have worn them at some time or another.

Ceramic Braces

We can also offer your teen ceramic braces, which work in the same way as metal braces. The only difference is that they are ceramic, so they are colored more like the color of teeth. This makes them more subtle and less obvious, which can be important to many teenagers. Ceramic braces do also tend to work a little faster in aligning the teeth properly.

Lingual Braces

With this type, the braces are cemented at the back of the teeth, making them completely invisible to other observers. However, the issue of dental hygiene can often be quite tricky with these, which is why they are rarely the first recommendation for teens.


These clear aligners can be used in cases of mild displacement, InvisalignⓇ is a near-invisible option which is custom-made for excellent comfort.


To find out more, don’t hesitate to get in touch, or simply book your teen in for an appointment today with our friendly staff.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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